Your user account

Steep uses SSO for all user accounts. You can create a Steep account using an existing account from Google, Apple or Microsoft. We use your email, name and picture (if there is one) from the service you have used to crate your account. These are used in the app to display your profile to other members of the workspace.

Steep does not have access to your password, and it is never stored on our servers.

Remove account

Follow these steps to remove your Steep account:

  1. Click your workspace name in the upper left corner of your app (or top of your home screen on mobile)
  2. Open the menu next to your name at the bottom of the window
  3. Choose "Remove account" and confirm your action in the alert.

Please note

When removing your user account, any workspaced where you are the sole member will also be deleted.

Request manual account removal

If you are unable to follow the steps above, you may request a manual account removal by contacting our support, using the form at