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For everyone

Everyone can explore metrics freely


Explore is a view for everyone to freely analyze a metric. It reflects the way a metric is defined.

Explore screen

You can get to explore view by:

  • Clicking on a widget from the home screen or team space.
  • Clicking on a metric from the metric catalog.
  • In reports, on any chart, click “…” > Go to metric.
  • In reports, on any table, click on the metric > Go to metric.


Every metric has five main visualizations: line, bar, rank chart, pivot table and cohort table. If you want to save a chart, it can be added to an existing or new report. Learn more about reports.

Line chart

Go to any metric. Pick ‘Line chart’ in the chart selector at the top right of your screen.

Line charts present data as a time series to measure change over time. Click or tap anywhere on the line to see the exact value.

Line charts

Bar chart

Go to any metric. Pick ‘Bar chart’ in the chart selector at the top right of your screen.

Bar charts present data as a time series to measure change over time. Click or tap on any bar to see the exact value.

Bar charts

Rank chart

Go to any metric. Pick ‘Rank’ in the chart selector in the top right of your screen.

Rank charts present a vertical dimension breakdown, a top list of your dimension. Next to each bar, you find values and percentages.

Rank is available for metrics with one or more dimensions. Learn how to set up dimensions on Define metrics

Rank charts

Pivot table

Go to any metric. Pick ‘Pivot Table’ in the chart selector in the top right of your screen.

Choose to breakdown the metric by two dimensions or by one dimension and time.

Create a heat map using one of the built-in color themes, and fine-tune the color thresholds to make the data speak to you.

Pivot table is available for metrics with one or more dimensions. Learn how to set up dimensions on Define metrics

Pivot table

Cohort table

Go to any metric. Pick ‘Cohort Table’ in the chart selector in the top right of your screen.

Choose to breakdown the metric by the cohort or a metric dimension.

Create a heat map using one of the built-in color themes, and fine-tune the color thresholds to make the data speak to you.

Cohort tables are available for metrics with a cohort defined. Learn how to set up a cohort.

Cohort table

Time grain

Use the time controls to find the time frame you want to explore. Quickly zoom out to a year or zoom in on a week. Use the time stepper to step back and explore data from the past.

Time grain

You can explore data either by a rolling period, calendar period or custom date range

Rolling period examples
Weeklast 6 days rolling
Monthlast 30 days rolling
Quarterlast 3 month rolling
6 monthlast 6 month rolling
YTDJan 1st this year – yesterday
Yearlast 365 days rolling
Calendar period examples
Weekthis week, Monday until today
Monththis month, MTD
Quarterthis quarter until today
Yearthis year, YTD

Custom date range

Select 'Custom' from the date options at the bottom of the screen or click the time stepper to select a custom date range. Select the start and end date from the custom date picker.

Custom date picker


Dimensions provide breakdowns of your metric. You can use them to deep dive into a metric by, for example, markets, customer segments, or product categories.


You can break down your data by any metric dimension, for example ‘Country’.

You will get an automatic breakdown of the top ten countries that match the current time frame.

Explore screen


You can choose which specific dimension values, such as countries, to display using 'Filters'.

  • Click the '+' next to 'Filter' to pick a dimension to filter by, like 'Country'.

  • Choose the countries you wish to see.

Combine filters and breakdown on the same dimension to see the data country by country. Using filters without a breakdown will provide total values for all selected countries in your filter.


You can do various comparisons for dimension values using filters without a breakdown

This way you can compare a single dimension value, for example the country ‘DE’ with previous period, average or any other comparison.

You can also compare a total of specific dimension values, like the total of countries ‘DE’, ‘FR’ and ‘NL’, to the previous period or any other comparion, by combining filters and comparisons.

It’s not possible to combine a breakdown with a comparison.

Set up dimensions

Dimensions are only available when predefined for a metric. Learn how to set up dimensions on Define metrics


Toggle on 'Targets' to see how your metrics perform against your budget or forecast.

You find targets in the control panel next to the chart.

Targets are only available when predefined for a metric. Learn how to set up targets on Targets



Previous period

Compare your metric to

  • last week
  • last month
  • last year
  • 7-day average
  • 28-day average

Reference lines:

  • Add reference lines to your share to compare your metric to the Min, Max or Average of the period currently being displayed.

Compare to a previous time

Compare metrics

Overlay any two metrics with just a click to easily see correlations and trends. Just expand the Metrics to section and select a metric to get started. It works great with both bar graphs and line graphs. Finding patterns across your metrics has never been easier.

No need for a specific setup, all metrics and slices are ready to be compared out of the box.

Compare to another metric


Slices are like sub-metrics. A way to quickly jump to a zoomed-in picture, while keeping the same source of truth.

You find slices on top of your screen, next to your metric name in explore mode.

Slices are only available when predefined for a metric. Learn how to set up slices on Define metrics

You can use slices for certain markets, channels, or product categories. Let’s say you have a metric for payment value, using slices you can define a slice for the markets Nordics, Netherlands and UK but also add a slice for a new product category you just launched.


Copy data

Here’s how to easily copy data from the Explore view to use it in external tools like Google Sheets or Excel:

  • Click the export icon at the top of the explore view.
  • Choose from 'Copy data' which defaults to WYSIWYG or select 'Copy raw data' if you want it in a “tall” database format.
  • Paste the data in your external tool.
  • The keyboard shortcut for 'Copy data' from explore is (D).

Copy data

Private metrics

Private teams and metrics →

Keyboard shortcuts

Metric keyboard shortcuts →


To get a quick overview of your metrics, you can add them as Widgets on the home screen. You can customize widgets in many ways,

  • Colors
  • Line graph, bar graph, milestone, big number
  • Target
  • Size
  • Time grain

How to set up Home & team screens
